General rules

Let’s start with the fact that on our site to behave respectfully to all visitors. Do not insult to the participants, it is always too much. If you have a complaint – contact admins or moderators (use personal communication). Insulting other visitors we considered one of the most serious violations and severely punished by the administration. We strictly forbidden, racism, religious and political speech. Thank you for your understanding and a desire to make our site more polite and friendly.

All the songs provided in this blog are only samples. These samples are provided to give users the idea of music. All the rights are reserved to the audio company. All users should delete the content as soon as they view it. Blog owners hold no responsibility for any illegal usage of the content. Please support the artists by buying their records and releases!

For ownership

If you wish to file a copyright infringement report, please list the exact content that you claim ownership of below. Please provide the following information:

  1. The exact title and URL of your copyrighted material.
  2. Your contact information so that we can write you back.
  3. The exact title and URL of your copyrighted material.